Ok, guess I'll add my hit-list, though sure it will blow right past Steven's eyes anyway.
First, I'd like to see what is refered to as translumanace (sp) in the attributes.
Along with this I would like to be able to add more than one attribute to a material.
Example would be translumanince AND dielectric.
While I am thinking about those 2, true light refractions,reflection, ect.(terminology ?)would be wonderful, particularly with the new dielectric.
( closest I've seen to this idea I came across by mistake by placing a bottle on a semi-mirrored table

Self illuminating objects would be very cool. Though havent yet tried playing with emissive with lower global light values.....
Visual representation of Fog values. I hate guessing, only to figure out that I'm nowhere close to what I wanted! Blocking out the scene doesn't help either

Senario: you create this mega creature from hell and render it. then decide you want to work on it more, but realize your meshes poly count is already in the billions. Perhaps there could be a way to reduce the polys by a deturmined percentage. Something to think about if nothing else...
Give me time and I'm sure I could think of more