maya has this feature called nurb premetives!
while polygon premitives are build up of edges, nurb premitives are build up of isoprams which is basicly curves!
this saves alot of time when modelig since you dont have to reposition a billion og vertecies, but just a couple to make round shapes for a head for example.
also theres stuff like cloth, liquids, and particle generation, which i really miss in animator!
i know maya is profesional software, and anim8or is a freeware programmed by a single person (amazing steve :O) so i may be asking for to much.
to compare with maya again: after i tried maya, i realised how important the shading is for the final result! even the most ugly model, can look photorealistic with the right shading, and light!
anim8or is really lacking of advanced shading/lighting features!
also, since directX is the most common 3D SDK, it would be cool if you could transelate anim8or into directX, cause i would really like to play around with some source code, and i know pretty much nothing about openGL.... maybe its kinda unrealistic because much of those here doesnt code, and because it would take a pretty long time to transate a program like this, but it would be cool anyway