Ooh, ooh! I love wishlists! Even though I haven't had much of a chance to use Anim8or much recently

OBJECT MODE:Chamfer/Fillet - it's a pain to "harden" edges for subdivided models. Sometimes, it's nigh impossible. If Anim8or could do this automatically, it'd be incredible. (If you don't know what this is,
Steve, let me know)
Cut Surface - sort of like the Knife tool, but adaptable to follow the contours of the existing surface rather than just making cuts in the plane (poorly explained again - sorry)
Natural Merge Points - for a mirrored object, sometimes it's a pain to find a distance that all points will be merged at. At other times, it's impossible to do them all at once because some areas have really high point density, while others don't. It'd be so much nicer if Anim8or were able to recognize analogous points, and 99.99% of the time, it'd be exactly what the user wanted anyway.
Natural Bridge - along the same vein, but with bridging of objects. I believe Wings3d has such a feature.
FIGURE MODE:Insert Bone - for those times when you realize it would be so much more convenient to have a bone in a given location...
Painted Weights - as much as I love this tool, it's really hard to use because the brush paints everything behind it, thus requiring multiple revisions of a single area.
SEQUENCE MODE:IK - I know it's in the works, but just saying

Range of Motion Alteration - currently, the values can be changed, but the mode must be changed afterwards for them to be used. If this could all occur in Sequence mode, it'd be nicer.
A brief list, but, I hope, realistic, and doable by Anim8or v.99.