Well, it seems everybody understands the point of this thread as more of a "Your own suggestions go here" which is what I was intending

. I will not edit the list, but I found some of my other ideas already possible. Although I do have some more to prevent this post from simply being a 'bump'. I also agree with headwax that I see anim8or more as a modeler than a renderer. Now, here is a list of a few things I suggest that I have not noticed in any other modeling program.
Uniform scale settings- Uniform scale affects height, width, and depth, but what if you want to make a cylinder fatter, but not longer. Or if you just want to influence the height. Non uniform scale forces you to switch to top view, this leaves room for both human error, and is time consuming. Being able to make the scale only effect Z and Y would be very benificial in some cases.
An edit on merge points- It seems when you merge points it pulls toward one side ore the other, The operation is in the menu bar, so why not give it some pop-up settings before the operation is performed. You could choose 'Meet at left', 'Meet at right', or 'Meet in Middle'
Subdivide vertically or horizontally- Sometimes I simply want to have more vertical points on a mesh, or horizontal. The current operation forces both.
Cut faces by selecting points- Whenever you cut an extra edge into the face, ALWAYS influences the back of the mesh. This can become a real hassle. My idea is that FRONT and BACK actually influence the cut faces operation.
Once again, great suggestions from previous posters, and the main point of this thread is not to express my ideas; it is to allow everyone else to form their own. This will save a little space in the forums for the actual errors and allow anim8or to become a better program in the long run. (It also save the critique of making your own topic).