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Author Topic: compositing frames to video  (Read 8944 times)


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compositing frames to video
« on: August 29, 2008, 07:04:45 pm »

I read in maya that animations will render faster if you batch render each frame into an image file instead of rendering the animation streight to a video. I was trying to figure out how do you composite all the frames into one video. I know I can put it into a video editing software and render a video but when you import images into a timeline they have a default time of five seconds and it will take forever to scale every image to a time of .01. is their a faster and better way?


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Re: compositing frames to video
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2008, 07:13:26 pm »

I believe it's way easier to just render your movie in one part as an animation instead of render single frames. The time you will save rendering single frames you will have to pay double by the video editing I think.


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Re: compositing frames to video
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2008, 07:29:19 pm »

WRONG, in so many ways!  Rendering out individual frames
1.  Prevents you from losing any work if your computer crashes.
2.  Allows you to modify and re-render portions of your animation without having to re-render the whole thing.
3.  Allows you to make use of post-processing on individual frames or frame sequences.

Then, use a program like VirtualDub (which is free) to composite your frames and set the frame rate and other features.


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Re: compositing frames to video
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2008, 03:08:53 pm »

it is easier to render the animation as a movie, but I was reading a maya documentation and it gives alot of sugestions how to render your animations faster and rendering as indivisual frames is one. As far as rendering in the video editor, it really dosn't matter what you put inthe video as far as frames or entire videos. what makes it take so long is the special effects you put over the video, how long the video is and the compression that you use. I rember having virtualdub along time ago to seperate a video sequence into single frames, but i really didn't like it back then. it seemed buggy, but i'll try it.