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Author Topic: Students loosing their textures when transfering to another computer  (Read 8840 times)


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I hope someone can help us. We have a middle school summer camp going on and the students are working with Anim8or.

I am trying to burn a copy of the students' projects onto a CD using my laptop, but when I put their thumb drive into my computer none of the textures that they have put into their projects show when I open their projects on my computer.  What do we need to do so that the textures stay with the projects? 

I have told the students to save the textures in a file on their flash drive, thinking that this would help...but it didn't.  Do you have any suggestions?


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Re: Students loosing their textures when transfering to another computer
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2008, 01:51:47 pm »

A little more information about the problem.  One of the files of the kids work has the anim8or file and all the textures in one folder.  I saved it to a thumb drive and the project opens on any computer showing the appropriate materials.  However, when I try to make a CD to give the kids to take the problem home, the materials won't load even though it looks just like the file on the thumb drive.


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Re: Students loosing their textures when transfering to another computer
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2008, 03:50:58 pm »

not sure, but it sounds like a path thing. it works for the kid with it all in the same folder becouse the path is the same,but that should still be true when you put it on the cd. ive moved my stuff from computer to computer and file to file a lot and it seems i always have to reload the textures. what gets me is when some load automaticly and others dont. i would advise teaching the kids how to load textuers
good practice anyway.
realisim is for reality


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Re: Students loosing their textures when transfering to another computer
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2008, 04:13:13 pm »

Thanks for the advise. We did teach the kids to load textures and I think we originally had a problem with paths and fixed this.

However, I can't figure out why it works on the thumb drive and not on the CD. Maybe we will try moving the file to desktop, reload the textures, and then try burning the CD.



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Re: Students loosing their textures when transfering to another computer
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2008, 05:14:47 pm »

the cd drive has a different path than the thumb drive. example in anim8or the texture may be in f:\texture/texturename.jpg. if you put it on cd  your cd drive has a different drive letter like mine is d:/. the thumb drive will show up on any computer as drive f:/  so anim8or looks for drive f:/ but it being on cd it is in drive d:/ instead so the textures don't load up. in configuration there should be a option so you tell anim8or were to look for all of your textures instead of loading each one over again.


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Re: Students loosing their textures when transfering to another computer
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2008, 04:18:52 am »

What siragin says is true, but you should also know that CD's are read-only so no information will be changed on the file IF viewed from the CD, if you put this information onto a Desktop PC/Laptop the information can be changed, Anim8or will delete the texture paths if you open the files then save and close them without fixing the texture path problems.

Could I ask how long these students have been using Anim8or?
It's nice to know that Anim8or is being widely used.


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Re: Students loosing their textures when transfering to another computer
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2008, 01:08:40 pm »

Thanks for all the advise. The final day of the camp is today and we were hoping to get this texture problem fixed so they could take the projects home. 

I will try moving from the CD to the desktop and see if it fixes it.

The kids are middle schoolers from Eastern Washington and they are in a two week tech camp that meets four hours a day.