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Author Topic: Anim8or 1071 hangs during scene playback  (Read 19920 times)


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Anim8or 1071 hangs during scene playback
« on: March 10, 2014, 06:50:11 am »

Is there a working issue list so I can check that I am not reporting a known problem?

Versions in Anim8orEnv.jpg (Win7 32, OpenGL1.1)
Open GL 1.1 shown top RHS.

I thought this was repeatable but as I write it up I find its 50-50.

I’ve had this problem with a number of recent versions.  This is tested on 1071.
Open the attached MorphTargets.an8.  Go to scene mode. Switch to view camera. Set loop scene under options loop scene.  Click play in the left tool bar. Watch the frame indicator in the lower panel and click stop when it is at about 1s (not sure if the location is relevant).  If a wait cursor is shown, Anim8or is hung.  It does not always hang, if not repeat play / stop.  I get typically 50% anim8or will hang.
Sometimes if I leave the scene playing it will hang without clicking stop.  I first noticed with Spinning cube and thought it was related to rendering the texture, not sure.
Open the attached SpinningCube.an8 (needs Penguins.jpg for a material).  Go to scene mode, view camera. (The image fills my screen). Click play. The cube rotates to about frame 36(ish) of 96 and the scene freezes. After about 10s the frame marker appears at the end of the scene and the last frame is shown.  Repeat with loop scene: Anim8or hangs.  Today this is not very repeatable - typical.  While playing click stop or click in the frame indicator (lower panel on line +scene01 :00…) and it will behave as I describe.  With loop scene on it hangs indefinitely.

Ctrl-N to use original OpenGL interface.  Similar problem caused by clicking in the frame indicator at about frame 36 while playing. Stop button appears more reliable (gut feel = luck) but will still hang in the same way.
Hope this is useful


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Re: Anim8or 1071 hangs during scene playback
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2014, 08:14:44 am »

With any of the newer versions of anim8or , I seem to have playback issues from 0.98 and any of the development releases, So I have to use 0.97d for any serious work.The space bar is sort of working now and then to stop/start in the newer releases but sometimes that hangs on me.

I just wish all the outstanding issues were fixed first, without concentrating now on Asl which will leave most graphic artists a little perplexed. Let's face it, most of us are not programmers, otherwise there would be a wealth of scripts available.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2014, 08:17:35 am by kreator »


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Re: Anim8or 1071 hangs during scene playback
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2014, 10:52:28 am »

kreator, the ASL updates are laying a strong foundation for the future, enabling users to enhance Anim8or beyond its native capabilities. I know it can be a bit frustrating waiting for the updates you want or need (I've had only three things I really wanted for a long time, and may never get them), but that doesn't make these any less important.

As for the outstanding issues, users need to do a thorough report (such as AlecJames's, so that Steve can identify and tackle the problem. Even then, there is no guarantee that Steve can replicate or fix the problem on his end, as it may be an obscure issue Personally, I can't replicate the freezing, though I know it happened to me sometimes). Also, I don't know if this applies to a master programmer such as Steve ;) but it's faster to develop in similar areas of a large project rather than flipping through code and having to re-orient oneself constantly. This means that Steve may focus on ASL and/or the object editor for faster development, and once he's satisfied he may switch to the animation or render system and begin focusing on that.

As far as I can tell, when issues have been brought up, Steve has done a great job of addressing them.


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Re: Anim8or 1071 hangs during scene playback
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2014, 11:37:13 am »


Could you please post your videocard manufacturer's name
and model number.
On a computer running Win7, a Microsoft Opengl
GDI generic renderer without any driver acceleration
is surprising.


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Re: Anim8or 1071 hangs during scene playback
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2014, 12:44:26 pm »

My video card on this box (Dell Optiplex 790) is a Dell branded ATI radeon HD3450.

It has ATI driver which is an old driver (just spent 30 mins trying to find the updated).  This is probably why the acceleration looks unusual.  I've got 3 of these systems, the first one  runs XP and I know that it has the driver supplied on disk with the systems (this box probably got the driver from MS update).

I didn't mention before that this is not a single system problem.  My laptop does the same, I post the specs later.  I'll test the XP box as well.

Edit  [Attached environment definition with updated ATI adapter driver.  The problem is similar but not the same. If I put loop scene on and play (spinning cube) after a couple of loops Anim8or stops responding, however the rendering of the spinning cube appears behind the "greyed out" Anim8or app. (Presumably running on the graphics card now.)
OpenGL verion top right of screen is now OpenGL 3.3]

« Last Edit: March 10, 2014, 01:15:11 pm by AlecJames »


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Re: Anim8or 1071 hangs during scene playback
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2014, 01:39:37 pm »

Edit  [Attached environment definition with updated ATI adapter driver.  The problem is similar but not the same. If I put loop scene on and play (spinning cube) after a couple of loops Anim8or stops responding, however the rendering of the spinning cube appears behind the "greyed out" Anim8or app. (Presumably running on the graphics card now.)
OpenGL verion top right of screen is now OpenGL 3.3]

I can replicate this part, but only if I don't have it set with WinXP compatibility, with Loop Scene enabled. Mine is an NVidia graphics card, and it behaves the same in both the new and old rendering modes.

Win7 Ultimate 64-bit
16 gb RAM
i7 3770k
build 1071


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Re: Anim8or 1071 hangs during scene playback
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2014, 02:31:13 pm »


When you have a rendering problem, the first thing to
do is check if you have a working and up to date driver.
Then you can start debugging the program.(Anim8or)

Your ATI card driver was badly installed.Rendering was
performed in software mode by the Microsoft Opengl
GDI generic renderer,not by your Opengl driver.
Now,you have a working driver.Better,isn't it ?  ;)




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Re: Anim8or 1071 hangs during scene playback
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2014, 05:43:49 pm »

See attached env from my laptop.

I do not have any compatibilty mode set.

On the laptop I can hang in a similar way - using MorphTarget.an8, scene mode, view camera, options loop scene, play, click the checkered ground grid between the left tool bar and the camera view port (green box) twice. Same in new and old rendering modes although I clicked 4 times using the old mode before it hung.

I had only noticed this in camera view.  Raxx - the screen shot you have in front view is the same as I see in camera view and I can recreate hang in front view by clicking the ground grid as above.

Hope this is useful
« Last Edit: March 10, 2014, 05:52:08 pm by AlecJames »