LIA - Links In Anim8orOk, this is something I picked up over the weekend to give my brain something to do other than schoolwork. LIA is a pseudo hierarchy toolset that is meant to be used internally by other scripts. The user uses the tools to set parents, children, and dummy objects in hierarchical form while in the object editor. This is a means of standardization so that more than one person can write a script that manipulates the data automatically based on the LIA hierarchy system.
Toolset Developed So Far:Make Parent: User selects the children first, activates the script, and selects the parent. All children become properly linked to the parent.
Unlink Selected: Removes all LIA formatting from the selected shape(s), and resets any dependent children of those shapes.
Unlink All: Removes all LIA formatting from all shapes in the object.
Toggle Dummy: Adds or removes Dummy marker for the selected shapes
List Hierarchy: Writes out the hierarchy in the debug output window.
LIA Format:ID#.
NameID#: Unique three digit ID number ranging from 000 to 999. Generated automatically based on available ID#s.
Parent#: Points to the ID# of the parent of that shape. 000 means no parent
Dummy: 0 means it's not a dummy shape. 1 means it is a dummy shape
Name: The given name/handler of the shape as defined by the user
I don't really expect anyone will use LIA but me (who else does any programming with ASL in the object editor?

), but I'm putting this up for documentation purposes anyway, and to toot my own horn since it'd be boring otherwise

. The scripts mentioned in the toolset are all completely finished except for a few bugs I have to hammer out. I'll publish the scripts once I make the XSI exporter script compatible with the LIA system and everything's working.