Current Version: 0.2
Compatible With Windows XP and Higher and Anim8or v0.97d Preview
Version 0.2 Radial Menu
//Introduction & FeaturesWelcome to the offical tWEAK page. tWEAK is a radial menu and toolkit, though basically it's a program that automates and combines a bunch of anim8or commands together in order to speed the modelling process!
Features:- Radial Menu with easy access to commonly used commands
- Color-grouped menu items makes it easier to remember where things are
- Tweak tool makes for fast moving of points and edges on a mesh
- Quick knife tool supplements the tweak tool by letting you cut faster to tweak later
- Mirror tool automates the tedious task of Mirroring meshes along the X-axis
- Dolly tool makes for much faster navigation within the Anim8or 3D workspace
- Easily change brush strength and size in figure editor
- And much more!
//Installation Instructions- Download the attached tWEAK zip file in this post.
- Extract to a directory of your choice (make sure you won't accidentally delete it!)
- Open tWEAK.exe
- Drag the generated shortcut to your quick bar or desktop for ease of access
//How to useEasy! Have tWEAK open while you're using Anim8or.
Using the radial menu:- Hold down "Space" to pop it up
- Hover the mouse over one of the menu items
- Release "space" to select the menu item and deactivate the menu
Using the dolly tool:- Hold down "Left Alt"
- Click and drag any of your three mouse buttons to pan, rotate, or zoom your camera view
- Letting go of "Left Alt" deactivates dolly mode
Using the Quick Knife:- Select the Quick Knife tool from the radial menu
- Cut an edge or select a single point, cut another edge or select another point, etc
- Deactivate by right-clicking or pressing Esc
Using the Tweak Tool:- Select the Tweak tool from the radial menu
- Click and drag a point or edge around based on which selection type is enabled
- You can keep clicking and dragging any number of points or edges in succession without reactivating the tool
- Right-click anywhere or press Esc to deactivate the Tweak tool
Disabling tWEAK:- Double-click the icon in your taskbar to toggle the Suspend state
- OR Right-click the icon and select Exit or Suspend
//HotkeysSpacebar | Radial Menu |
Left Alt | Dolly Tool |
Ctrl+1/2/3 | Wireframe/Flat Shaded/Smooth Shaded |
Ctrl+S | Save |
Shift+Ctrl+S | Save As... |
Ctrl+O | Open |
Ctrl+N | New Object/Figure/Sequence/Scene |
Shift+Ctrl+N | New Project |
[ | Decrease Brush Size |
] | Increase Brush Size |
- (NumPad Subtract Sign) | Decrease Bone Size |
+ (NumPad Add Sign) | Increase Bone Size |
Esc | Deactivate any tool |
//Important Notes- The radial menu can get popped up no matter what window is open, so deactivate tWEAK if you stop using Anim8or
- If you try using the radial menu buttons in any window or outside of Anim8or's Object editor, they won't work. (Intended)
- You MUST right-click to deactivate the Tweak and Quick Knife tools
- Failure to deactivate these two tools when swapping windows or editors will result in very quirky behavior until you right-click to deactivate. You've been warned!
- The Quick Knife tool determines the next cut point to connect to based on if it's selected or not. It determines if it's selected by detecting any pure white in the 3D workspace
- So make sure there's no white in your 3D environment when you're using the Quick Knife tool (ie no reference images or bright materials with white in them)
- Also make sure that whatever wireframe mode you select has the points enabled in File->Configure Gui
- Failure to do so won't kill your program...but you probably won't get the desired results. It's easier to model on a gray-ish model with the points viewable anyway :P
- This program does not modify any of Anim8or's code, nor does it contain any of Anim8or's code
//To-Do ListBug/Glitch Fixes:
- Prevent the radial menu from popping up anywhere but in the Anim8or workspace
- Improve performance
- Improve Quick Knife tool
New Features:
- More mirroring options such as Mirror subdivision objects, mirror solids into subdivision objects, Mirror along more than one axis
- Editor-specific radial menus (not just Object editor)
- Add more awesome tools and fill in the rest of the Radial Menu
//Changelogv0.1b (10/24/2010):
- Added Object Edit menu item
- Moved single select menu item next to rectangle select item.
- Updated ColorGroups
v0.1c (10/25/2010):
- Radial menu now enabled by holding down the space bar
- Radial menu now has a small delay to help prevent accidental misfires
- Dolly tool is now activated by pressing Ctrl+D
- Knife and Tweak tools deactivate if you click anywhere outside the 3D workspace
- Knife and Tweak tools deactivate if you use any other tool in the radial menu (changing views or select modes does not deactivate them)
- Knife and Tweak tool quirks are now all but gone
v0.1d (10/26/2010):
- Dolly tool now activated by pressing LAlt
- Tweak tool snaps to nearby points or edges for faster tweaking
- Tweak tool now tweaks faces when in face select mode
- Select Quad Ring and Connect Edges menu items added to Radial Menu
- Regular knife tool removed from Radial Menu pending improved quick knife
- Going to point,edge, or face select mode enables the single select tool automatically
v0.2 (10/29/2010):
- Radial Menu is now context-sensitive for each editor
- Loads of new goodies for the figure editor
- A hopeful fix for those who can pop up the menu but not do anything else

- Better menu background (maybe)
- Changed (but still crappy) quick knife tool
- Hotkeys implemented that make sense (Ctrl+S saves, Ctrl+O opens, Ctrl+N makes a new object/figure/sequence/scene, etc)
//TroubleshootingtWEAK only works in Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. It also only works with the latest version of Anim8or (v0.97d)
Can't get it to run? Then just in case it's your antivirus or antispyware programs that are blocking it, please disable them first to see if that's the cause (also try disabling Windows Defender). If tWEAK runs with them disabled, then you'll have to add tWEAK as an exception in their databases. Re-enable your security programs afterwards, please!
If you still can't get it to work, here's some steps to take to help identify if tWEAK is recognizing Anim8or at all:
- Download the Window file attached to this post
- Extract and run Window Info.exe
- Open up Anim8or while it's open, and mouse over the 3D workspace
- Under >>>>>>>>>>( Window Title & Class )<<<<<<<<<<< it should say Object: (name of project) ahk_class Anim8or
- Under >>>>>>>>>( Now Under Mouse Cursor )<<<<<<<< it should say ClassNN: Anim8or-OpenGL1, along with some other info
If it doesn't say this information then tWEAK isn't recognizing it. Post the contents of Window Info.exe in a new post so that I can see what it's reading.
Also, provide this information:
Operating system (Windows 7/Vista/XP) (32 or 64 bit?) (Home Premium/Business/Ultimate/whatever)
Antivirus programs(Don't forget about Windows Defender)
Exactly what is and what is not working (Tray icon/Radial Menu pop-up/Functionality/Hotkeys)
//CreditsDriven by
AutohotkeyRadial Menu framework developed by Boris Mudrinić (The Learner)
The rest done by Raxx